Term and Condition :  scooptoop.com

Welcome to scooptoop.com! However, to ensure that anyone who wishes to engage with our platform has a clear understanding of what is allowed or not allowed, as a condition of using our platform in any capacity, you must agree to abide by these Terms of Use we provide below. To avoid ambiguity the following terms used herein are defined as follows: These terms are relevant to make a better understanding to have a safe and secured experience with scooptoop.com. In the following sections, we’ve divided the functional areas section to assist you in manoeuvring with ease.

Platform Overview

Scooptoop.com is owned by The Arena Group Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and associates, providing distinct Internet services and delivering articles across our site. Such services include a vast range of insights regarding technology, applications, reviews, and the likes.

Eligibility and User Account

  • Eligibility Requirements: Users must be at least thirteen years and one day old to use the services offered herein. For individuals who are below seventeen years of age, there may be a necessity of obtaining parents’ consent depending on the region or country the person is in provided they are between 13 and 16 years. Should you be under eighteen years of age, you must obtain the consent of your parents or guardians before using our services.
  • User Accounts: Always fill and submit registered account information and updated at all times. Ensure to protect your account details and report to us if you feel someone has gained unauthorised access to it. We are entitled to suspend or terminate accounts at any given time as a preventive measure against fraudulent life hacks.

User Content and Writer Content

  • User Content and blogs: Visitors and users of our site and application are able to contribute all sort of stuff including comments, photos and other materialities (“User Content”) When the user submits content to be hosted on the site, he/she is essentially providing scooptoop.com a right to use and distribute such content. It’s important to note that as the host of this website, we retain the rights to moderate and remove any content that is protected under our Terms.
  • Author Content: Author Content is different from the User Content as the former is material uploaded as content that can be monetized by the owners of the platform. There are, for example, rules that users should follow so that they do not violate legal requirements or post lawful material.

User Conduct and Content Policies

  • Prohibited Actions: In order to deter misconduct, banned conduct includes but is not limited to harassment, impersonation, unauthorised use, and any conduct in violation of our Terms. The Content submitted in connection with Submitted Content must not contain viruses or other malicious software that may affect the operation of this Site and/or the materials or Content of others, and must not violate any privacy or intellectual property laws.
  • Enforcement: This website reserves its right to implement these policies and take appropriate action against users that bring content violating these guidelines to public parlances. Members own all content provided and are to ensure the material they post complies with the law, so consequently content may be disclosed/preserved in accordance with the law.

Ownership and Trademarks

Ownership of Content: All text, graphics, images, trademarks, logos, service marks, copyrights or other intellectual property in or relating to the Partner Content and Submitted Content are owned by scooptoop.com , or licensors thereto. Some parts of this website contain our trademarks, copying and utilisation of these trademarks, and content is unlawful without permission.

Feedback and Copyright

  • Feedback: Our platform may be used by fans to submit feedback with the aim of helping in its advancement. Any feedback that is given to us is done so under the provision that ASOS will be free to use or implement such feedback without payment to you.
  • Copyright Complaints: We also respect and uphold the rights of an individual on the issue of intellectual property. We respect any individual or organisation’s rights over his/her/its content if anyone feels that his/her/its copyrights have been violated in any content of scooptoop.com .

Third-Party Content

Third-Party Content: It may contain links to other websites and the contents of these websites may be beyond our control. While interacting with third-party content, users are their own beholden, and scooptoop.com does not have any responsibility or endorse the content.